Journey To Become Fullstack Developer
fter last three year, I finally understand what my passion will become, and where to express more than I code scrawl things in code editor. In Junior Highschool I only know how fun arrange some algorithm that I never knew wheter is't useful or not, instead I just keep doing practice it with my friend, Mas Miftah and let them correct it if it got wrong. If you think that I supposed to have good capability in algorithm because I;ve learned so far before everyone did, you're wrong, because when I've joined in Vocational Highschool, I have less learning. My soul had been sacrficed for sabililah and doing every jobs related with my pondok pesatren stuff. Or It might I was lazy to be improved? Who knows? But fortunately God guide me to still learn so much things that useful to share and care my thought in organization. I have much frequent moment which's I have to teach in many times, and doing discussion every week. Eventough for now, I realized All of those were g...