
Showing posts from November, 2019

Journey To Become Fullstack Developer

fter last three year, I finally understand what my passion will become, and where to express more than I code scrawl things in code editor. In Junior Highschool I only know how fun arrange some algorithm that I never knew wheter is't useful or not, instead I just keep doing practice it with my friend, Mas Miftah and let them correct it if it got wrong. If you think that I supposed to have good capability in algorithm because I;ve learned so far before everyone did, you're wrong, because when I've joined in Vocational Highschool, I have less learning. My soul had been sacrficed for sabililah and doing every jobs related with my pondok pesatren stuff. Or It might I was lazy to be improved? Who knows? But fortunately God guide me to still learn so much things that useful to share and care my thought in organization. I have much frequent moment which's I have to teach in many times, and doing discussion every week. Eventough for now, I realized All of those were g...

Biggest Guilty

It's a morning in Tangerang. I had waken up earlier, but my both eyes couldn't be compromised to stay awake for at least come to my dinner table to take breakfast. Yeah, I have late shalat subuh, God, please forgive me. Actually, I've heard my mom yelling for thousand times, but my ignorant sanity always does the same as how it's going. My mom keep yelling till I finally jump out from tempat sholat. I directly take my drink of tea, My mom warn me to have at leat two glass of mineral water. So, I delay my pleasure to taste how sweet it is by drinking a lot of water before. But suddenly, I remembered that my college mate, called Candra wanted to have script of C++. He said he need someone who could teach the basic of C++, especially about function method and etc. But last night, he said that he just need the script of program for current homework from Mr Bahrul (my lecturer). Well, I still wonder why doesn't he ask this in fisrt place? So I open my laptop,...

Unplanned & Disguise Reunion

Today is the schedule for every youth guy for presenting a pegajian. I know It sound so sacred and advisory, but no wonder at all it's been our activity since we were littel tiny kid (we can talk further about it in another post) I went alone by riding my Beat motocycle, the road had quiet smooth traffic. So thankfully It only takes about fourty five minutes to be there. I met Bro Topik (my senior when I was in Boarding School) and his neighbor Arya. We directly walk to the event room, there Mr Wanda giving some ceramah about our purpose live in this world. I sat and listen eventought I had little bit musing about random thing (fuck me) but here I let you know what I truely listened at least 1. Devoting our self to The Mighty as our preparation to live in hereafter Means we devote our self and soul to worship and claim there's no god but him. This is the only way for us to be saved in hereafter, meanwhile many people doesn't know what they want to do in life. But...

Menciptakan Joker

Kata Todd Phillips, dia menganggap film Joker ini adalah film adaptasi komik (meskipun sebenernya ga adaptasi komik) yang akan berbeda dengan film film komik lainnya. Alasannya, karena ia menganggap film Joker versinya adalah film yang mengedapankan study karakter dan drama. Ia juga bilang kalo selamanya gak akan ada orang yang bisa menyaingi film komik ala Marvel Universe, karena mereka sudah memulai lebih awal dan punya konsep yang disukai semua kalangan. Sehingga itu lah yang meyakinkan dirinya untuk membuat film komik dengan sentuhan berbeda. Banyak orang yang mengatakan kalo film Joker ini akan menjadi pelopor film superhero DC Black Label, yaitu sisi gelap para superhero DC yang hanya diperuntukkan untuk dewasa. Bagi kalian yang sudah menonton film Joker pasti faham bagaimana DC Black Label disematkan untuk film film superhero DC Menurut gua, kehadiran DC Black Label di jagad sinema merupakan inovasi brilian karena, dijaman yang mana semua film superhero itu past...

Mau Ngomong Sesuatu #2

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Ketemu Temen Lama #1

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Konsep While Pada Javascript

Gua menulis ini sebagai bahan evaluasi seberapa jauh gua memahami javascript, khususnya penggunaan while, for, dkk. Gua mencoba menulis serapih dan sesingkat mungkin, supaya kalian gak males baca. While terdiri dari Variabel yang menjadi nilai awal Variabel yang akan menjadi parameter sebuah pengulangan dan increment dan decrement untuk mencegah adanya infinite looping Gua akan mencoba membuat deret baris angkot yang bisa berjalan dengan baik beserta nomernya Langkah pertam adalah kalian harus menentukan plat pertama harus dimulai dari berapa. Sudah pasti disini gua akan memulai dengan nomor 1 Setelah itu, kalian menentukan ada berapa angkot yang kalian inginkan, gua pengen ada 10 angkot. Maka tinggal gua tulis saja disitu variabel dengan 10 angkot Sekarang kalian tulis perintah  while dengan buka kurung untuk memberikan parameter dan buka kurung kurawal untuk memberikan instruksi program atau bahasa kerennya local definition Di dalam parameter ...

Stress Minimizer Tips

The last day is my schedule to do some recitement, basically, it's kinda ngaji and we meet about religious kinds of stuff such as something that we really need for the hereafter, faith comprehension and many things that pass within our life that we need to fix up together. And I found some great things from it, especially when Mr. Heri (my teacher) explain some points on how we recover our distress and depression. I decide to spill this out on to this blog in the order you can take something beneficial 1. View Everything Objectively Everything happens in our life sometimes out of we can handle. Possibly we just take the thing granted, but when it ran worse, we may not think that it's of ourselves. Otherwise, we should assume that something exists ur of our self affect that situation. Isn't that easy? In best notes, we shouldn't accuse ourselves too deeply till we have mindset that everything is our mistake. 2. We Cannot Live Alone Me as the selfish guy cannot ...

'Mental Health Essay' Should Be

Treating mental health as goo as well is our responsibility. Sometimes, we expect something too high till we never realize that our reality is never so good as it seems. For most people, treating mental health is just sharing everything about themself, but it is actually a hard thing to do. the reason is we are so inconfident to tell and knowing people would listen to us. We also have to know which people who really understand our inner problem. It could be our family, our relative, or barely our best friend. It's really hard to find a person who wants to stay with us whatever the condition we through, so we have to be selective choosing someone we friend, also have to share out private space carefully Those are some steps on how we treat our mental health. But for people who are diagnosed in mental illness, they need to share everything that's in their mind, and people need to listen them well. People need to agree however dark their opinion is. Mental illness patien...

Ngomongin Film Favorite Gua di Tahun 2019

2019 jadi tahun paling tergila dan fulled-of surprise, dimulai dari musik, film, berita, dan kejadian kejadian ada di dalam hidup gua secara personal. Maka dari itu gua gak mau nih 2019 terlewat begitu saja, harus ada setidaknya satu post yang bisa mengungkapkan betapa senangnya gua! Gua mau mulai dari film dulu nih, berhubung ini udah akhir tahun gua anggep kalian sudah nonton semua film film dibawah, karena bakalan ada banyak banget spoiler sliweran Film pertama yang sampe sekarang bikin gua kepikiran adalah  Parasite 9/10 Namanya juga film terbaik, harus gua kasih rate segitu sama halnya dengan film film dibawah.  Parasite menceritakan keluarga si miskin (lupa gua nama karakter karakternya) yang memanfaatkan keluarga orang kaya a.k.a Keluarga Mr Park dengan cara memasukkan semua anggota keluarga untuk kerja di rumahnya.  Awalnya si Anak ditawarin temennya yang tadinya ngajar sebagai guru les private, tapi karena ia harus melanjutkan kuliah di luar n...

Blog Sudah Mati?

Sebelum gua tidur, plis ijinkan gua untuk menumpahkan beberapa buah pikiran yang tiap hari kian menjadi, menjalar, mengingatkan dan terngiang ngiang ketika gua pengen tidur dan sedang buang air besar (percayalah, boker adalah tempat mujarab untuk menerima inspirasi) Dunia internet udah semakin maju, begitu pula dengan milyaran konten di dalamnya, internet layaknya perpustakaan raksasa yang tiap kedatangan semua penulis dari jagad raya, bahkan ga ada ceritanya penulis informasi di Google ditolak karena informasinya kurang kata kata dan gak lazim. Nggak ada Awalnya manusia gemar membaca, terkadang juga terselip beberapa patah kata dan plesetan yang sedikit tak membuat manusia mati kebosanan saat membaca. Kalian bisa merasakan hal itu saat sedang scrolling timeline Twitter. Padahal media sosial media untuk nulis keluh kesah tak hanya Twitter saja, ada banyak sekali. Tapi kenapa Twitter yang jadi primadona? Mungkin itu bisa dibahas di post yang lain Sebenernya gua cuma pengen c...

About 1984 Novel So Far

Recently, I read a lot of things, It could be some little articles that talk about science, technology, or even just kind of shit of people do every day (i don't care if have abusive words scattered on this post. Lol). But just let me tell you, one read that can steal my attention called 1982 from George Orwell. I know I'm too outdated to talk about it, meanwhile, it's been up to ten years since this book release and people seem still reading it nowadays. So, is that amazing, for a person including me still relevant to explain a Lil bit so far what I know about? It's been ten years btw!. Even though I haven't fully read it yet, but I'm so excited to talk a lot about this book, I've just read approximately 1/30 of book. How pathetic, I know, but the problem which I have to make this essay for you is blow me up every night In my few vocabs who can't describe how best this book, I was so flowing with how Winston Smith treats people in The Party. Jus...