Journey To Become Fullstack Developer
fter last three year, I finally understand what my passion will become, and where to express …
fter last three year, I finally understand what my passion will become, and where to express …
It's a morning in Tangerang. I had waken up earlier, but my both eyes couldn't be com…
Today is the schedule for every youth guy for presenting a pegajian. I know It sound so sacred …
Kata Todd Phillips, dia menganggap film Joker ini adalah film adaptasi komik (meskipun seb…
Gua menulis ini sebagai bahan evaluasi seberapa jauh gua memahami javascript, khususnya penggun…
The last day is my schedule to do some recitement, basically, it's kinda ngaji and we meet …
Treating mental health as goo as well is our responsibility. Sometimes, we expect something t…
2019 jadi tahun paling tergila dan fulled-of surprise, dimulai dari musik, film, berita, dan k…
Sebelum gua tidur, plis ijinkan gua untuk menumpahkan beberapa buah pikiran yang tiap hari kian…
Recently, I read a lot of things, It could be some little articles that talk about science, tec…